What Happened To Yuban Coffee[The Story of Yuba Coffee, The Company Behind the Bean]
So whatever happened to Yuban Coffee? This article takes a look at the controversial coffee brand from the 60s and 70s and details where the company went wrong, as well as what happened to this decent coffee after that.
A lot of people are wondering what happens to Yuban coffee and where they can get it. Do they still make yuban coffee? Yuban has been around for over 100 years and has had a large following of loyal customers. For many, it is the perfect replacement for Folgers and Maxwell House coffee, which are now owned by Smuckers.
Is Yuban Coffee Discontinued?
Table of Contents
The yubancoffee.com website is no longer in service and has been offline for several years now.
That’s one of the reasons that this post is talking about it, so we can all share our favorite recipes and talk about where we found Yuban Coffee.
We still see a large group of people searching for Yuban Coffee on Google every month. So we want to make sure that everyone knows that they can still find Yuban coffee online and how to buy it!
Is Yuban coffee still available?
You can still buy Yuban ground coffee online at amazon.com or eBay. You can also find some on eBay if you search for “yubano” or “yubancoffee”. In fact, the eBay sellers are probably your best bet, because they have a lot more Yuban ground Coffee roast available.
The old Yuban Coffee that was sold by Kraft Foods from 1995-to 2005 is not available anymore. The product you see at grocery stores these days is a new Yuban coffee, but it is NOT the same as the old Yuban coffee that you know and love as your coffee cup.
Taste: While we can’t speak for the taste of the new Yuban coffee, we do know that this new product is marketed as a “premium” brand, and we understand why they wouldn’t want to associate with the old instant coffee.
Yuban coffee is compatible with drip coffee makers or any coffee maker.
What company owns Yuban coffee?

Yuban Coffee Origin
The Original Yuban brand of coffee was created in the early 1900s by the Arbuckle Brothers Coffee Company. It was named after their head roaster, Samuel Yuban, a famous coffee roaster.
The Arbuckle coffee roasters opened its first European office in London, England, and was soon after purchased by Maxwell House in 1963. The Maxwell House brand is owned by Kraft Foods International, Inc.
What company owns Yuban Coffee?
If you’re asking this question who owns yuban coffee, then you’re probably ready for a cup of coffee
Trying to track down the history of a brand like Yuban can get you into some pretty murky territory.
The truth is that Yuban has been sold and resold so many times that it’s nearly impossible to know whom the official owner is at any given time. That’s doubly true when you’re talking about trademark rights and intellectual property in general for this favorite coffee.
Here’s what we do know about yuban coffee history
Yuban was originally developed by the Joseph A. Burns Company in 1903. The name “Yuban” comes from a combination of two Chinese words — yu and ban — which translate to “dark brew.”
In 1966, Yuban was purchased by the General Foods Corporation, which also owned Maxwell House Coffee, Hills Brothers Coffee, Sanka, and Chock Full o’Nuts. In 1986, Nigerian company UAC Foods bought General Foods’ coffee brands for $500 million. At that point in time, Yuban had annual sales of $100 million per year.
Also, the company that owns Yuban is a privately held corporation that was established back in the year 1884. At the time, the company was named The E.F. Austin Company and it started out as a coffee roaster and wholesaler.
The name of the parent company has been changed over time, but it is currently known as the Hills Brothers Company, Incorporated. This company is based in San Francisco and it distributes its products to many different stores across the United States. They have worked hard to become one of the top coffee companies in America and they continue to grow and succeed today.
Where do Yuban coffee beans come from?

It’s a mystery, wrapped in an enigma — or more accurately, a bag. Where do Yuban coffee beans come from? Chances are if you live in the United States and sip on a cup of Yuban as you read this blog post, Yuban is your go-to instant coffee.
It’s been that way for decades at least, and maybe even longer than that. But where do Yuban coffee beans come from? How about tropical regions example Latin America? Latin America…hmmm …that would be a perfectly acceptable answer.
Colombia is the largest producer of coffee beans on the planet and has been for something like 150 years. However, Colombia isn’t the answer to where Yuban café au lait mix comes from. It doesn’t even make up the top five producers. So if not Colombia, then where do you think these little bundles of caffeinated heaven come from? Here’s a hint: it rhymes with “Hugh Jass.”
Yuban coffee beans are grown in Brazil and they are packed by the Yuban Company in New York. The company was started by Mr. John Arbuckle in 1901, who owned a coffee plantation in Hawaii. He moved to New York in 1906 and began selling coffee under the name “Yuban.”
The Yuban Company claims that its coffee is roasted over charcoal and this is the process that gives it its unique taste. On the other hand, most coffee growers today use gas or electric heaters to roast their beans, so Yuban’s claim of using a traditional method might be a gimmick to attract customers. But who cares? It tastes good!
Yuban Coffee comes in several different flavors: Colombian, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Mocha Java and Sumatra Mandheling. The flavors are added to the beans before roasting.
The Yuban Company was bought out by Kraft Foods Inc. in 1998 for $300 million. It is now part of Maxwell House International, which produces instant coffees in addition to ground and whole bean coffees.
Most people think that Yuban coffee beans are grown in the tropical climate of South or Central America, but that’s not true. The name “Yuban” is derived from a combination of the words Yemen and Brazil. Yuban coffee beans grow on the rich soil of the Brazilian highlands, but they’re processed in Yemen, so the name “Yuban.”
To process Yuban coffee beans, they are shipped to Yemen where they are sorted by size. Then they are shipped back to Brazil where they are roasted at one of their factories. After roasting these beans, they are packaged and sent to grocery stores across America for you to buy!
The smell of the beans is unique and can be described as vanilla with a hint of chocolate, although the smell isn’t quite as potent as the taste. You don’t have to worry about anyone else in your household is able to smell the coffee when you brew a pot because the aroma doesn’t stick around very long after brewing is complete. There aren’t any strong undertones or overtones to the smell either; just two fairly even scents that work together nicely.
Do they still make Yuban coffee?

If you are wondering if they still make Yuban coffee, and you want to find out the answer to this question, keep reading. You will find out here what this coffee brand is all about.
The name of this classic coffee may have faded into time, but it is still known and remembered by those who are over 50. Yuban coffee blend was awarded the Rainforest Alliance certificate.
Yuban uses farming methods that are ethical with no pesticides or chemical fertilizers sprayed on those beans.
Yuban coffee refers to a brand of instant coffee made by Kraft Foods. It was first introduced in the early 1960s and was discontinued by the end of 2007, although it remains available on Amazon. Yuban is an example of a bulk instant coffee, typically sold in supermarkets and grocery stores, not a gourmet or specialty class of instant.
To date, there are people who believe that they can still find Yuban coffee packets and they crave it regularly. So the main question is whether Yuban is still made or has been discontinued.
Well, if you are wondering about this too, then you will be happy to know that it is still being made to date. And if you are planning to buy this pack online, then you can get it from Amazon. This brews wonderfully in my basic coffee pot.
Yuban coffee contains 100% Arabica beans that are grown in Central and South America and have a rich aroma. Arbuckle company uses the best south American beans that give an aromatic coffee with amazing taste.
There are a few different varieties to choose from such as Yuban Original Roast, Yuban Traditional Medium Roast Ground Coffee, Yuban Dark Roast coffee, Yuban Decaf Original Roast, Yuban French Vanilla Creme, and Yuban Rich Roast Colombian Coffee Blend.
Is yuban coffee any good

Well, we can say that it depends on how you like your coffee. If you prefer a stronger flavor, then you should go for the traditional medium roast coffee. But if you enjoy a milder flavor, then you might want to try the decaffeinated version.
You can also try the french vanilla creme variety if you want something sweet and creamy. Or maybe you would rather try the rich roast Colombian blend.
As mentioned before, Yuban coffee is no longer produced by Kraft Foods, but you can still buy it online.
So if you are looking for a great-tasting coffee that won’t break the bank, then you should definitely check out Yuban coffee.
What kind of coffee beans does yuban use?
What kind of coffee beans does Yuban use? Does it matter? Why should you be concerned with what kind of coffee they use, in order to brew your cup every morning? It all comes down to taste! Different blends of coffee beans will produce different flavors, as well as different smells. You may love the smell of French Vanilla but hate the flavor. This can be said for any other kind of beverage, such as hot cocoa.
What kind of coffee beans does Yuban use? Yuban goes to great lengths to ensure that every bag contains only the finest coffee beans. Yuban buys their coffee from all over the world because they know that their customers demand nothing but the best.
The high-quality green coffee beans are carefully selected, priced, and stored so that they can be shipped directly to your homes when you buy Yuban Coffee. You can be sure that every bag of Yuban is packed with only premium, fresh-roasted coffee beans that have been hand-selected by a team of experts.
Price: How much does it cost to buy a bag of Yuban? Every bag of Yuban Coffee is reasonably priced. You will never find a better deal on any brand, as long as you stick to what’s already inside your local supermarket or grocery store. If you want more for less money, then you should definitely try buying your Yuban Coffee online
How much caffeine in yuban coffee
There is no such thing as caffeine-free coffee. The roast level also determines the caffeine content. Light roast have the most caffeine and dark roast has the least caffeine
How many milligrams of caffeine do you get from one serving of Yuban Coffee with a delicious aroma? That’s easy. One serving has approximately 150 mg of caffeine. In comparison, Starbucks’ average drink has around 200 mg of caffeine.
Is yuban coffee decaffeinated
Yuban Coffee is not decaffeinated. However, there are several brands of decaffeinated coffee available today. So if you’re looking for an alternative to regular coffee without the jitters, then you should consider trying some of these options. They are usually cheaper than regular coffee too.
Is yuban better than folgers
Yuban Coffee isn’t better than Folger’s. Both are good coffees with rich flavor and also smooth flavor. There really isn’t a difference between them.
Does yuban coffee come in cans
Does Yuban Coffee come in coffee cans? Yes, it does. You can purchase it in both single serve bags and bulk containers.
Top Picks for Best Yuban Coffees
Happy New Year! With the new year comes new beginnings, making it the perfect time for us to share our favorite Yuban coffees for the new year. This way, you can start your morning off on the right foot. Or maybe you just want to sip some coffee and read about all the new information as a part of your evening ritual. No matter what time of day is best for you, we have a list that covers it all and has included some helpful tips along the way.
One of the best features about Yuban is that it is 100% Arabica coffee. Arabica coffees are what most people prefer and enjoy the most when drinking coffee. They are also one of the highest-priced coffees, which makes these bags even more desirable to many people.
Truvia is a natural sweetener that has been used for years in many different recipes and drinks. Although not as popular as sugar, this natural alternative is quickly becoming a favorite because of its nutritional value and lack of calories. Truvia has been shown to help with blood sugar levels, energy levels, and other bodily functions. It can be used in place of sugar and honey in many different recipes.
Yuban also comes in French Vanilla flavor, which adds a nice sweetness to the coffee without being too overpowering or artificial tasting like some vanilla-flavored coffees can be.
When it comes to price, the Yuban brand is on the higher end of the spectrum, but it is still affordable enough to add to your grocery list on a regular basis. One drawback to this brand that some consumers have complained about is the packaging method used. Rather than using traditional paper or plastic packaging methods, Yuban uses some more sophisticated methods.
Despite a brief period of quality coffee and success for Yuban in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, the brand quickly declined back into mediocrity again. In December 2003, General Foods sold its coffee brands to J.M. Smucker Co., which continues to market Yuban today.
Now nothing more than a mediocre flavored coffee, it is unlikely Yuban will reach the peaks that it once enjoyed in the 1950s and 1960s. But its long-lasting influence on the specialty coffee movement cannot be overlooked, and I personally remain nostalgic for those early days when Yuban was every bit as good as some of the best, you’re likely to try today.
Why is it that folks can’t purchase Yuban coffee in grocery stores, yet is available on Amazon?
Simple economics.
Less demand met by centralized supply.
Reduced shipping, holding, profit-sharing, expiration costs.
Does Yuban Coffee Dark Roast come in beans?